Friday, September 19, 2014

Philly Comedians Invade Delaware

Alex Grubard (3rd from left), Lou Misiano 4th from righ), and Jon Del Collo (2nd from right) performing at the 2014 LOL @ the Grand at the Grand Opera House.


Philly Comedians Invade Delaware Mashup Promo!!


Alex Grubard

Temple Undergraduate 

2013 Winner LOL@ the Grand

Host of...(Laughs on Fairmount, Curses: The Game of Swears)


Lou Misiano

LOL@ the Grand Competitor

Host of Laughs on Fairmont Open Mic

Host at Helium Comedy Club


Matt McCusker

2014 Philly's Phunniest Champion

Host of Philly's Comedy Attic at The Raven Lounge

(Hottest Showcase in the city)

Writer at BroBible


Mikey Garcia

Host of Tight Six Comedy Show Case

A Host at the Comedy Attic Showcase

Philly's Phunniest Finalist


Jon Delcollo

U of D Graduate

Host of the Comedy Attic Showcase

LOL@ the Grand Competitor